Friday, December 16, 2011

Peanut Butter Recycling Center



Anonymous said...

that's hilarious! I never thought of letting Spot lick the jar, he'd have loved it. I bet Butch had a faceful of peanut butter when he was done!

Linda@VS said...

Janet, Butch carefully wiped his face on the tops of his paws, then, after he finished with the jar, he licked the peanut butter off his paws.

Anonymous said...

Spot would probably have wiped his face on Mom's pants. Daisy would wipe her face on the carpet. Then licked the carpet. Come to think of it, something like that would keep her busy for about an hour. I think I'll try it just before we get the carpet cleaned. ;-)

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Mabel LOVES to do this!!!! She never gets any on the carpet!

Linda@VS said...

It makes me sad that Butch can't do this anymore. Now that the roof of his mouth is a health issue, I can't give him something that sticks to it.