Monday, November 14, 2011

Peacock Feather on Satin


CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Oh... I have a weakness for peacock feathers. I've tried so hard in vain to capture that particular set of colors in glass! I've been known to follow our peacock flock in hopes of finding a feather...none yet!

Linda@VS said...

I love how the colors in a peacock's feathers morph from one shade to another like the colors in a rainbow do. Can't imagine how anyone could achieve that same effect in glass.

Anonymous said...

it's amazing, isn't it? how Nature got the colors in that pattern.

Linda@VS said...

Janet, Mother Nature is a W-O-M-A-N. She can do ANYthing!

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Linda, I was "hoping" that with some of the high silver glasses... but I haven't like those beads as a feather. I ended up melting them into something else though... so I saved the glass. But the quest continues!

This photo is awesome!

Linda@VS said...

Thanks, Holly.