Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Whatever Happened to Uncle Harvey?


Anonymous said...

indeed-and it's a dead end. Someone at that cemetery has a sense of humor. Or maybe Uncle Harvey had a plot early on and they always called it "the road Uncle Harvey's on".

Maria said...

Poor fella. But, at least someone named a street after him....

Linda@VS said...

Janet, the people who installed the "dead end" sign must have gotten a big kick out of it. Did you notice the "Parton" marker near the bottom center of the photo? This cemetery was near Dolly's hometown, so I wonder if it was one of her relatives.

Maria, that's true--even if he didn't merit having his last name included.

Anonymous said...

no, didn't notice the Parton marker! Could be a relative. I wonder where Dolly plans to be buried?